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S-Line Soaphead Forest Fruit - Just Orgasmic

S-Line Soaphead Forest Fruit

Regular price $11.50 Sale

Availability: In Stock Unavailable

Product Type: Vibrators

Vendor: Shots Toys

Product Details



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce eros justo, accumsan non dui sit amet. Phasellus semper volutpat mi sed imperdiet. Ut odio lectus, vulputate non ex non, mattis sollicitudin purus. Mauris consequat justo a enim interdum, in consequat dolor accumsan. Nulla iaculis diam purus, ut vehicula leo efficitur at.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In blandit nunc enim, sit amet pharetra erat aliquet ac.


Pellentesque ultrices ut sem sit amet lacinia. Sed nisi dui, ultrices ut turpis pulvinar. Sed fringilla ex eget lorem consectetur, consectetur blandit lacus varius. Duis vel scelerisque elit, et vestibulum metus. Integer sit amet tincidunt tortor. Ut lacinia ullamcorper massa, a fermentum arcu vehicula ut. Ut efficitur faucibus dui Nullam tristique dolor eget turpis consequat varius. Quisque a interdum augue. Nam ut nibh mauris.


#1 Clean your toy before and after each use. The easiest way to do this is by spraying it with antibacterial sex toy cleaner and then wiping it off with a lint-free towel is the easiest way. And you don't have to worry about water leaking inside.

#2 Stick to water-based lubes. Water-based lubes are completely safe to use with all types of sex toys as well as condoms. Other lubes can cause chemical reactions with some sex toy materials like rubber.

#3 Don't let your sex toys touch. Some sex toy materials can react badly if they come into contact with each other. It's best to keep your sex toys in their own storage bag so you don't have to worry about your favorite vibrators accidentally touching and becoming damaged.

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